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Annual Shareholders’ Meeting & Dinner

Picnic Grounds

The annual meeting of the Holmes Run Acres Recreation Association (HRARA) shareholders will be held at the pool in the evening on Saturday, August 19, 2023. All members are invited and encourage to attend (please note that guests are not invited to this event). Even if you've never attended before, please come! You will have a chance to hear from the Board about the season and more. In what may be as fun as grilling steaks at the pool, you will have the opportunity to grill our Board of Directors about what they have been up to and learn about future plans. A complimentary light dinner will be served following the meeting for all who attend.

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If you are having difficulty logging into the website, resetting your password, or purchasing your tickets, contact the Webmaster on the Contact Us form.

If you have a question about this event (timing, menu, volunteering, etc…) contact the Activities Coordinator on the Contact Us form.

© Copyright Holmes Run Acres Recreation Association 2024

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