The HRARA Board of Directors (BOD) is charged with managing the daily operations of the facility, ensuring safety for members and guests, and advocating an ever-improving atmosphere. As we are a volunteer-run organization, we rely on the active participation of members in our community for all to benefit.

The HRARA Board holds its monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm; meetings are open to all members. From May to September, meetings are held on the pool grounds. Please contact the board secretary for the location of the monthly meeting if you would like to attend outside of the months listed above.

Board of Directors


President: Danius Barzdukas

Vice President: Laura Wright

Secretary: Mike Lyons

Treasurer: Bryan Andersen



Planning: Laura Wright, Paula Katz

Finance: Bryan Andersen, Paula Katz

Employment Practices: Genevieve Schmitt

Operations: Pat Tierno, Tina Rafalovich

Engineering and Maintenance: Tom Forde

Landscaping: Wilson Rowe, Natalie Feinberg, Marcus Bleech

Membership: Doug Zebrak, Meg Moran, Natalie Feinberg

Communications: Barbara Foley, Marcus Bleech

Activities: Barbara Foley, Meg Moran

Swim Team Represerntative: Mike Lyons

Roles and Responsibilities


The officers of HRARA include a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, all of whom are elected by the Board of Directors. Officers are elected annually and holds office until the first meeting of the Board of Directors held after the annual meeting and election.

The President presides at all meetings of the shareholders and at all meetings of the Board of Directors. They perform duties that customarily pertain to the office of President, as well as those directed to perform by resolution of the Board of Directors. The President serves as an ex-officio member of all committees, both temporary and permanent, except that the President shall not serve as a member of any nominating committee.

The Vice President has and exercises all the powers, authority and duties of the President during the absence of the latter, or whenever the President is unable to fulfill their duties. The Vice President also acts as chairman of the Planning Committee.

The Treasurer is responsible for the custody of all funds, securities, insurance and other intangible assets of HRARA. They are responsible for plans and policies relating to the financial management of HRARA and serves as chairman of the Finance Committee. They are responsible for the maintenance of full and complete records of all assets and liabilities of HRARA, and of all financial transactions. They are responsible for the preparation of such tax reports and other financial reports as may be required by local, state and federal governments. Subject to board approval, the Treasurer may employ an Assistant Treasurer to assist the Treasurer in the duties of the office and serve as the Treasurer’s agent.

The Secretary of HRARA has custody of the corporate seal and the records of HRARA, except those records required under Article V, Section 4, and prepares and maintains full minutes of all meetings of the shareholders and the Board of Directors. The Secretary conducts all official correspondence of HRARA, and gives proper notice of all meetings to the shareholders. The President may appoint an Assistant Secretary to assist the Secretary in the performance of the duties.


The President of HRARA appoints the committee chairpersons. Unless otherwise directed, all chairpersons of the standing committees are members of the incumbent Board of Directors. Subject to Board approval, the President may appoint as chairpersons of any special committee any shareholder who is in good standing in HRARA.

The Planning Committee devises and presents to the Board of Directors both short and long range plans consistent with the purpose HRARA. The Vice President shall be the Chairperson of the Planning Committee.

The Finance Committee includes as members the chairpersons of all other standing committees and the President of HRARA, is responsible for the overall financial management of HRARA and advises the Board of Directors on all financial matters. It prepares and submits to the Board recommended financial plans and policies, including an annual budget. It submits at each regular meeting of the Board a financial statement of the condition of HRARA as of the last day of the preceding calendar month or other period as specified by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer is the Chairperson of the Finance Committee. The chairperson/s of all other Standing Committees and the President are voting members of this Committee. At the conclusion of each fiscal year, the Treasurer recommends to the Board of Directors either (a) that the Board of Directors engage a Certified Public Accountant to review the financial records for a fiscal year or (b) that the Board of Directors establish an Audit Committee for that purpose. The Finance Committee makes studies and recommendations relative to the insurance coverage of HRARA.

The Employment Practices Committee

The Operating Committee is responsible for operation of the swimming pools and other facilities of the Corporation as required by law, regulation, or these By-Laws; and for the recurrent tasks associated with the swimming pools and other required facilities.

The Engineering Committee is responsible for non-recurrent construction, maintenance, and repair tasks associated with the facilities of the Corporation, except where such tasks are assigned to another Committee.

The Landscaping Committee is responsible for the upkeep of all natural areas under the control of HRARA.

The Membership Committee is responsible for reviewing applications for membership and making appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors. This committee is also responsible for promotion work in connection with the sale of memberships as well as keeping an accurate up-to-date roster of shareholders.

The Communications Committee is responsible for managing the public information relating to HRARA, including HRARA’s website and any information on social media.

The Activities Committee is responsible for all social functions of HRARA, except where specific social functions are assigned to another Committee.

The Swim Team Committee is responsible for all activities of any swim team established by and operated under the authority of HRARA. Up to two (2) Swim Team Representatives are appointed by the Board of Directors and are authorized to represent HRARA to any swim league or similar organization responsible for activities in which an HRARA swim team participates. The Swim Team Committee consists of:

  • a Chairperson appointed by the President;
  • the Swim Team Representative(s);
  • three (3) shareholders in good standing elected by and from the parents or legal guardians of registered members of a Corporation swim team;
  • the President.